Sunday, May 29, 2011

Carbon Tax

If  people really believe that the compensation that is offered to household from a Carbon Tax will
1. Be a positive to ofset higher prices
2. Really hurt the big companies

Then you I am sorry to say very naive. I have lived on this planet for 49 yrs and I have never seen a tax that will be helpful and make me better off. I do know what the purpose of Taxation is and I have seen many examples of new taxes coming in but not many being dropped.
Examples of this was the Golden Casket Lottery Tickets ,set up to pay for free public hospitals in Queensland , worked for a number of years until the money was diverted into Gov't Coffers. The hospitals in Qld are now some off the worst in the country.

So I for one do not trust any Government either Labor or Liberal . The Governments seem to forget that they work for the people and that we have to have a say in all policy. While this country works on a two party system where the members follow party lines and not listen to the voters then we are doomed to be led by people with a limited vision and the country and its people will suffer at the hands of big business. We need to be leaders in the world not followers and all new ideas need to be inbraced.

The Parliment is a house of the people and it is about time that it started to act that way in staed of being a house of  party's that are controlled by back room movers and shakers 

I say to say no to any new tax and to oppose it and all that it stand for until every other option is spent.and there a awful lot out there 

The Aussie Bloke

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